Agency Lists

There are two routes to take when adopting internationally - which is what Eric and I think we would do should we decide to adopt. You can select an agency who will then match you with a child or you can search for your child on your own by scouring several lists and then going with the agency that has your child on their list.

Since we are no where near deciding on adoption I thought I would get access to a few agency lists - just to see what it's all about. I have access to about 5 agency lists and have been looking at the kids frequently. Mainly I look at orphans in China...little girls. None of the kids have really jumped out at me. I have access to the waiting children lists (special needs). In China the wait for a NSN (non-special needs) referral is approaching 4 years. That is forever long - and if we decide to adopt I do not want to wait that long. Many of the children on these lists have very minor special needs or are considered waiting children because they are above the age of 3.

If You Were Mine - weeks 1 & 2

We discussed God's heart for the orphan. Did you know that the Bible mentions caring for the poor and oppressed approximately 2,100 times in Scripture?

God reserves a special place in his heart for the orphan and calls upon us to help protect them. Definitely not saying that everyone should adopt. Adoption is not for everyone - is it for us? We aren't sure. But there are so many other ways to help the orphan.
Donate time. Donate funds. Get involved in a school supply drive. Foster a child. Pray for orphans. Everyone can do something for orphans and it does not always have to be adopting a child.


I often wonder if I am called by God to adopt or if the desire to care for others is just something that my mother instilled in me. Or is it because I am to be called to adoption that God led my mother to instill this deep level of compassion for the orphan inside me. The longer I pray about this and for God to show me if this is His will for our life here on Earth - I lean more towards the latter. Towards God leading my Mother to instill this in me all those years while growing up. Growing up I can remember on multiple occasions my mom speaking of fostering children in our home. How she wanted to do this one day when her biological kids were grown and had left home. I haven't talked with her about this in many many years - I wonder if she still feels this way. My mother is a compassionate woman. She is very successful in the business world and very busy - she has a lot on her plate all the time - she always has. Yet she always finds time to do things for other people, including her children. I feel so blessed to have her as my example. I love her and her willingness to serve others. She is amazing. I hope that I am in my own way following in her footsteps. I will continue to pray about God's will for my life - for what Eric, Ashley and I have been called to do. Are we to open our family to an adopted child? Are we to give financially to orphanages? Are we to get involved in school planting to give these orphaned children a real chance at life? What is your will, oh Lord? Show us. Place your hand over us and guide us.

Mark 16:15

"He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation."" - Mark 16:15

How many times do I go through an entire day and not do anything that would even remotely resemble going into all the world and preaching the good news to all creation?

This verse is the great commission, it tells us that as christians it is our sole responsibility to tell others about Christ and what he has done for us by dying upon the cross. The BIble says that it is his will that all should come to repentance and that none should perish, the BIble asks how these lost people will know the Gospel unless someone proclaims it to them? God dwells within us and calls us to be a witness, because we are the salt and light of the world, the one of whom the Living God has touched.

I guess that is why I am going to blog about our adoption journey. Because I know that it is all from Him - and I want to give glory to God and for others to see that in what I write and in whatever transpires throughout this journey. Should we ultimately decide to adopt - should we decide not to - should we bring home a precious child or not - it will all be here.