Agency Lists

There are two routes to take when adopting internationally - which is what Eric and I think we would do should we decide to adopt. You can select an agency who will then match you with a child or you can search for your child on your own by scouring several lists and then going with the agency that has your child on their list.

Since we are no where near deciding on adoption I thought I would get access to a few agency lists - just to see what it's all about. I have access to about 5 agency lists and have been looking at the kids frequently. Mainly I look at orphans in China...little girls. None of the kids have really jumped out at me. I have access to the waiting children lists (special needs). In China the wait for a NSN (non-special needs) referral is approaching 4 years. That is forever long - and if we decide to adopt I do not want to wait that long. Many of the children on these lists have very minor special needs or are considered waiting children because they are above the age of 3.


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