Birth Certificates

Submitted a request tonight for our Birth Certificates. These will be part of our DTC (Dossier to China). At least I think so -- or they might be for our homestudy or perhaps for our I800 --- it is all slightly confusing to me. I just know that at some point we will need these and it's just easier to go ahead and request now rather than wait for them later.

I think Ashley and I will hop in the car tomorrow morning and make a drive to fort worth. Eric and I's marriage certificate is filled in Tarrant County. Requests can be made in person for a certified copy -- so I think we will do that tomorrow. Just another document that we can mark off the list.

I really want to get a jump start on all the paperchasing as it's called. I don't want the ball to ever be in our court just waiting on something that we could have had done. The wait is 10-14 months. And I don't want to add to that with any delays we could prevent.


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